There are a lot of terms in the financial world that are difficult for many consumers to distinguish. Even though the department of labor has tried to make best interest top of mind and all to fall under the highest standard of fiduciary that still is not entirely the case.
If you want to ensure your financial future is secure, you need to hire an expert – and not just any expert. You need a fiduciary financial advisor on your side. But what are fiduciary advisors, and how can you find one? This type of advisor is on the rise as consumers get smarter about their finances. It’s time for you to join the trend.
Learn the important differences between advisors. Learn why it should matter to you. Find out what type of advisor may be most appropriate for your situation.
Learn how to discern the difference between advisors and the questions you should know the answers to. Best equip yourself in aligning your goals with the right type of advisor.
Join RFC®, CEO Laura Stover as she hosts this webinar.